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Franklin is a talented songwriter and performance artist.  He has spent a great deal of time developing songs that reflect the values and principles of 95FIVE teaching.




I have written over a hundred songs, but this one was one of the first. We write what we know, so I set out to write about shame. Shame is one of the most paralyzing feelings that a person can deal with. Shame is often rooted in the reality of who you hurt, not what you lost. Collateral damage is the result of life choices, and broken relationships represent collateral damage. When we make choices that affect others negatively, shame sets in, isolation becomes our new reality, and the downward spiral continues. Life is about making choices every single day. We get to make choices that will directly impact those that we love the most. If you are an adult and reading this, your choices come with a higher premium because you know better. Then why do we make choices that we regret? I wish I had the answer. What I can tell you is that when I look around, I realize I'm not alone. There are all kinds of people, from all stations of life who are making choices, both good and bad. Some people will make good choices for a season of time because there is a reward of some kind at the end of the tunnel. For a season, they will follow through with expectations. They will make 30 good choices, and then make one really bad choice. That one choice has a way of wiping out all of the good choices, or so it seems. If you think you are exempt from making bad choices, trust a knucklehead like me that you are not. Bad choices are not always linked to moral failure. Bad choices could be not giving the complete truth, or shading reality when the results could impact someone else. Bad choices could be changing the narration to fit how you are feeling so that you get your way. It's not just the "bold print" choices like substance abuse, not being faithful, or outbursts of anger. Do you have the courage to examine yourself? Do you have the ability to take an honest look at who you really are and how your choices affect those that you love? I hope so. It's not an easy process. It's something I will be doing the rest of my life, but it would be much easier navigating my redemptive path with someone like you. Someone who also has made a couple bad choices in their life. Choosing to make good choices does not mean people will forgive, or that everything will be better the next day, but if you care enough to change and protect those you love, isn't it possible that you can care enough to love yourself more as well? Shame has no business in your life. If you are like me, life is heavy enough without lugging shame around everywhere. Imagine what life could be like if you would simply trust the people who you love, so that you could make choices not because you have to, but because you get to. Block out the negative and focus on what is good. If you are a person of faith, consider finding a good mentor who can talk to you about what God can do in your life. If not, then just find someone who shines goodness on you. You will see shame slowly slip away. You will see that there is something at the end of the tunnel beyond conflict and chaos. I wish you the best. Sincerely, The Gypsy Troubadour
I Hate Goodbye

I Hate Goodbye

Do you have a daughter? Do you love her more than anything? Have you been amazed watching her grow into who she is? Do you reflect on your time raising her and recognize where you missed the mark, but she still came out so much better than you? Then write your own song because this one's for my daughters. Ha ha. I did write this song for my daughters, but I hope that you can find yourself and your relationship with your kids in it. This song is about being trusted to raise these little angels and then learning to slowly let go over time. It's not easy, but if we use great care, we will see that there is something at work beyond ourselves going on. In spite of ourselves, God has a way to put people in our children's lives to help us build them into who they will become. God has a plan for each child and knows exactly what each kid needs to reach their potential. He trusts us, and then we get to trust our children. It's not easy, but is it fair to say that trusting people helps build confidence, and that this confidence helps them make better choices? I think so. Parenting has many stages and we must adapt along the way. Fist they leave us for the first time when they go off to kindergarten. Then they leave us to go on their first date. Then they leave us to face the world on their own. Each time it requires trust, and gives us as parents, a chance to learn a few lessons ourselves. Parenting is a lifetime agreement. It is something we are trusted with and not to be taken lightly. Things may not always turn out as you hoped, but take advantage of every moment so that when you let them fly, they come back to you. Sincerely, The Gypsy Troubadour
Thank You

Thank You

I wrote this song during the COVID stoppage. I wanted to acknowledge the people who have made my life a better place because of their sacrifice of time, passion and resources. Medical professionals, teachers, fire fighters, the police, first aid workers are those that have served a purpose beyond themselves. I live in a land that is protected by men and women of all races who fight bravely here and overseas to protect us, and so many of those men and women are not even old enough to drink. There is another group of people however that find a way to give that also requires sacrifice and takes a different kind of courage. I'm able to put food on my table because of the people that work in the grocery stores. My car has fuel because gas stations are open. I can repair my home because the hardware stores are open. People are able to get loans and do banking because our banks are open. Elected officials, who only hear from us when we are angry, are fighting for each of us everyday. Yes, there are many differences in what people believe, but we must respect that they are fighting for what they believe. The list goes on, and so does my gratitude. I wrote this song before our communities became embroiled in conflict while Americans stand for what they believe is right. I hope that during this time of conflict that we find common ground and recognize that we have made amazing progress, but we will never stop doing whatever it takes to build a country unified and meeting the needs of all people. I'm still proud to be an American. I'm still thankful for the lessons that came before me. I'm still aware of where I could have done better. I'm even more hopeful than ever that we, as Americans, will link arms and find a way to be authentic with each other and love our neighbors as ourselves. That is the one thing we have control over. If you have made an effort to protect, build, lead, and love the people of this world, and have not heard a simple thank you, please let me be the first. Thank you. I look forward to recording this in a studio (instead of into my iPhone) and sharing a more complete version with you. Sincerely, The Gypsy Troubadour
Gypsy Tears

Gypsy Tears

I wrote this song after much reflection. We live in a world full of double- edged swords. We work hard to provide for our families, but work can then take us a way from those we love. We want a home, but life gets in the way and creates conflict like broken wash machines, leaks in the roof, or a broken water pipe. More conflict brings more need for work. More work means dependence on a job. Dependence on a job steals time from those who we set out to please to begin with. The cycle goes on and on. This absence creates new conflict. Intimacy, both physically and emotionally, becomes collateral damage of long hours at the office or required travel for work. Missed games, recitals or special events become the root of bitterness, anger and frustration that builds in those we love. Soon a wedge develops between loved ones and as it builds, so does the bitterness, anger and frustration. I wrote this song because I could have been a better man in this area. I wrote this song because I hope you recognize that although hard work can build a home, it can also tear down a family. We must remember that every time we make a "sacrifice" to be away from our family at work so that we can give then all they want, we are taking away all they need. Is it fair to say that we need to do better? Is it possible that there is beauty in simplicity, and that the beauty is time with your family? But I need a new car! Our house is not big enough? I need to get this next promotion! We confuse what need and want is, and while we are figuring out the definition of need, we are learning the reality of loss. People ask me all the time what my favorite part of traveling is, and I always say coming home. It took a four-year old girl at an ice cream shop in Moab Utah to ask me the only question I ever needed to answer: "Then why do you leave?" I guess she deserved the promotion much more than me. People shouldn't promote knuckleheads. If you are away from your family more than they like, will you do yourself a favor? Ask yourself are you giving them (and you) what they want, or are you giving them what they need? I bet they need you more than a new SUV. You don't believe me? Just ask them. Sincerely, The Gypsy Troubadour
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